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Funeral Planning

Many families struggle to plan a funeral while amid grief. As a gift to your loved ones, we suggest that you plan your funeral well in advance. If your loved ones know your desires and preferences, it will relieve them of the burden of that task.

The Episcopal Church uses the Burial Liturgies as provided in the Book of Common Prayer, and we suggest that you confine yourself to those suggested liturgies. However, adjustments can be made when discussed with the clergy of Christ Church. You can find a PDF of the Book of Common Prayer (1979) here

You are welcome to use the form below to submit your preferences. Once you have completed the form, make sure you hit the submit button at the bottom. A priest will contact you after you submit the fo to discuss your preferences.


Please provide the full name as you would wish it to appear in the bulletin.


Perhaps you want a more traditional and solemn service or something casual. Maybe you want lots of music with a choir or just a few well-known hymns. Maybe you want family or friends to offer eulogies, or you only wish the priest to speak.

Liturgy Choice

Rite I employs traditional language and tends to feel more solemn. Rite II is more contemporary.

Do you wish to include Holy Communion?

If communion is important to you then you should consider including in the service. However, if most of your family and friends are of faith traditions that don't have communion, this can sometimes feel exclusionary.

Old Testament Reading

You can explore these readings in the preferred translation (NRSV) here. It is only necessary to have one scripture reading, but you can include an Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel for a total of three readings. If you are including communion in service, a Gospel lesson must be selected.

Psalm (following the Old Testament reading)

At least one Psalm may be included after the Old or New Testament reading. We typically use the Psalter included in the Book of Common Prayer.

New Testament Reading

You can explore these readings in the preferred translation (NRSV) here. It is only necessary to have one scripture reading, but you can include an Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel for a total of three readings. If you are including communion in service, a Gospel lesson must be selected.

Psalm Selection (Following the New Testament reading)

If selecting Psalm 23, it is sometimes better to choose the King James Version because of familiarity.

Gospel Reading
Do you want your remains to be present?

While it is traditional to have remains at the burial service, it is unnecessary. Please note that if you intend on having a casket present, we do not allow open-casket funerals.

If cremated, what are your desires for interment.

We have a memorial garden with niches available for remains, however, currently, all niches have been purchased.

Hymns I love (select all that apply)

Please note that we discourage the use of recorded music and ask that you choose music appropriate to a church setting.

Reception following the service
No reception
Reception off of church site.
Privately Catered Reception at Christ Church
Reception provided by the people of Christ Church.
Don't know

If you choose to have the people of Christ Church provide for the reception, we can only promise light hor d'oeuvres, with non-alcoholic refreshments.

Family Rememberances (Eulogists)
None during the service
Possibly at the discretion of the clergy and my family.

We ask that eulogists confine themselves to five minutes or less.

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